Writing Check-Ins

Gretchen Cion joins us as our Writing Specialist every Thursday for an hour. Mrs. Cion lives (and writes) in Houston so she'll be joining us via Google Hangouts. We are fortunate to have her collaboration, as she is someone who has an incredible gift for engaging every type of writer and helping each child reach to a high level. We are hoping that next week Mrs. Cion will tell us even more about the screenplay she has just started writing!

Gretchen will be supporting the kids in developing strong habits as writers, learning where to find ideas for writing and how to set aside time for writing, and opening the kids up to a variety of genres they can explore. Over the next two weeks we'll get a baseline regarding each child's skill-level through what we call a "quick publish," and this will help drive the flow of instruction over the year. We will work on the assumption that every family would be happy to have assistance in developing goals in the area of writing, as we know this is not always an easy area to nurture your child's writing development on your own!