Back to School, Back to (Almost) Normal


Today marked the beginning of the 2021-22 school year, and we are all excited to be back together! Typically the summer gives us all a chance to rest and ready ourselves for the year ahead, but this wasn’t exactly the case this summer. After all the changes that encompassed the 2020-21 school year due to the pandemic, we weren’t quite ready to go our separate ways at the end of May. Things were finally running more smoothly, and we were enjoying all being back in person together after many days of a mix of virtual and in-person learning. Still, summer came and we welcomed the warm weather, but when the calendar turned to August, we were thrilled to be back at school.

It’s Long-View’s 7th year, and we plan to make it the best ever. We’ve got masks on and all teachers vaccinated, and our hope is that all kids will soon be vaccinated too. Regardless, we are steadfastly committed to a year of growth and normalcy. Everything about our schedule this year will be in keeping with how things have always gone, and we’ll add back all of the fun events that mark the start of the year, like After School Classes and our Parent Tailgate, which will be held outside. We welcomed a great group of new kiddos at our Launch Camp last week, and are excited that 3 new teachers have joined our team: Jaclyn Fleury, Dorothy Weller, and John Cooley. Check out their bios here.

Bands at Long-View are always names of colors, and this year a few of our older learners helped choose the names, which are jewel tones: Amber, Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. The teaching team has worked hard to plan thoughtful first units, ensuring that LEARNING is the focus. The first round of Unit Updates will be emailed out to parents next week, but you can get a sneak peek here.
