Let’s Go! It’s Time To Get Back To Learning


School is back in session, and here at Long-View we have more than happily settled back into our learning routines. After a summer filled with research on health guidelines, the innovations schools across the world are implementing, and the complexities of both remote learning and in-person learning, we are relieved to have found a sense of normalcy even in just the two weeks we’ve been back together.

Our togetherness, however, has taken on different formats this year; the pandemic is affecting all of us in various ways. Families and teachers alike have specific needs, so we made the decision to allow choice in how to return to school. A survey distributed to parents and teachers late summer gave us specific information about each person’s comfort level with in-person learning. We then developed a plan based on these needs, creating 2 different learner experiences for the 2020-21 school year: all virtual learning or in-person/virtual hybrid.  Some families elected for their child to be completely virtual as we began the year — attending video meetings and interacting with their peers from the safety of their own homes. Other families chose an in-person/virtual hybrid approach to the start of the year. Our hybrid model stood on the shoulders of our summer research on safety procedures and protocols. We are working to continually mitigate risk, focusing on universal masking, social distancing within the learning environment, using the outdoors as much as possible, and consistent protocols for disinfecting hands, surfaces, and materials. Additionally, we are committed to constantly iterating our plan for the school year; the start of the year with two models for learning was just that — our beginning place. As we move forward, we will continuously re-assess and reflect on the local environment, and make changes to our plan to be as responsive and nimble as possible.

Recognizing that small groups would be an advantage in both virtual and in-person environments, we shifted to eight bands for our learners this year, instead of our typical four. We have already observed that smaller group sizes with approximately 10 kids in a band have been an advantage as we teach virtually, as we can then focus on synchronous instruction and kids can experience more quality interactions. During in-person instruction, on the other hand, the smaller bands provide the ability to social distance in a classroom and limit the number of people in the Long-View community interacting with one another. 

We also worked to be sure our learners had the tools they needed as the year began. Chromebooks were checked out to everyone, and supply kits containing science lab materials, whiteboards, notebooks, and other “office supplies” were distributed. A regular routine of dispensing lab kits (or mailing them to our families that are temporarily living outside of Austin) and ensuring a supply of books to read at home will be set in motion this week.

While logistics have certainly been a huge part of our work preparing for this school year, our most important conversations as a teaching team have centered on how to ensure the highest levels of learning during this school year. Many readings and conversations re-focused our efforts on learner-centered instruction, and our discussions pushed us to really consider what that means to us in this challenging new time. Pedagogy — especially as it relates to online learning —  was another key topic of research and discussion, as well as the more practical work of up-leveling our own skills with technology tools and platforms. The social and emotional needs of our children are also top of mind and of utmost importance, and we committed ourselves to ensuring each child feels valued and connected. We adapted the weekly schedule to include community building, reflection, and individual check-ins and continue to consider how to promote socialization across bands.

Though the 2020-21 school year undoubtedly will continue to present challenges, we are optimistically moving forward, focusing on being responsive and ensuring our Long-View learners grow and learn during this complicated time.
