Posts tagged virtual learning
The Silver Lining

This unique school year no doubt has brought a number of opportunities and challenges. We find ourselves longing for a sense of normalcy, eager to return to the rhythm of daily in-person learning. We’d happily throw our computers in a dumpster and not use them for months! At the same time, we are optimistically looking for the silver lining in our current situation. The first four weeks of school have shed some light on the benefits of living through the hybrid and virtual learning that is our current reality.

Above all else, kids and teachers agree that this year is a good exercise in communication….

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Let’s Go! It’s Time To Get Back To Learning

School is back in session, and here at Long-View we have more than happily settled back into our learning routines. After a summer filled with research on health guidelines, the innovations schools across the world are implementing, and the complexities of both remote learning and in-person learning, we are relieved to have found a sense of normalcy even in just the two weeks we’ve been back together….

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In Response to Quarantine, Long-View@Home Launches

The banner photo on this page was taken on what we now realize was the last day of school for the 2019-20 school year. It was an idyllic spring day in which we enjoyed time outside, skyped with an archaeologist, celebrated the writing of a group of our young poets, worked on mathematics in groups at whiteboards, presented biomimicry design challenges to a panel of scientists, ate lunch by the creek, had a discussion about what we learned about magical realism during a field trip to UT’s Harry Ransom Center, and ended the day all together talking about some of the things we really appreciate about our community at Long-View.

Like so many schools in the world, Long-View had to pivot to ensure that our students continued to learn during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our virtual learning launched on March 23 and is called Long-View@Home….

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