Posts tagged quarantine
In Response to Quarantine, Long-View@Home Launches

The banner photo on this page was taken on what we now realize was the last day of school for the 2019-20 school year. It was an idyllic spring day in which we enjoyed time outside, skyped with an archaeologist, celebrated the writing of a group of our young poets, worked on mathematics in groups at whiteboards, presented biomimicry design challenges to a panel of scientists, ate lunch by the creek, had a discussion about what we learned about magical realism during a field trip to UT’s Harry Ransom Center, and ended the day all together talking about some of the things we really appreciate about our community at Long-View.

Like so many schools in the world, Long-View had to pivot to ensure that our students continued to learn during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our virtual learning launched on March 23 and is called Long-View@Home….

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